True, global sexism remains extreme by almost every measure, except compared with all of history. 其实几乎以所有衡量标准来看,全球的性别歧视依然极为严重,只不过与历史相比有所好转。
It involves the extreme measure of taking the life of a terminally ill patient when the patient is in extreme pain and the chances for recovery appear to be none. 这涉及到当病人处于极度痛苦并且没有康复希望的时候采取的结束一个平如膏肓病入膏肓的病人的生命的极端措施。
Making us turn in our credit cards is an extreme measure, which should be used only when everything else fails. 让我们交出信用卡是一个过激的措施,只有当一切其他办法都不奏效时,才可采用它。
My scheme may be an extreme measure, but these are extreme times. 我的方案或许有些极端,但当今的时代也堪称极端。
With the development of E-commerce, the magnitudes of users and commodities grow rapidly, resulted in the extreme sparsity of user rating data. Traditional similarity measure methods work poor in this situation, make the quality of recommendation system decreased dramatically. 随着电子商务系统用户数目和商品数目的日益增加,在整个商品空间上用户评分数据极端稀疏,传统的相似性度量方法均存在各自的弊端,导致推荐系统的推荐质量急剧下降。
The extreme success in the local infrastructure of the developed country by policy-type finance, play a vital role to the entire national development and prosperity, and the quite complete risk control measure has been formed. 发达国家政策性金融对国家及地方基础设施等项目的建设与发展的支持非常成功,对整个国家的发展与繁荣起到了重要作用,并形成了比较完整的风险控制措施。
The oil field at first used widely not in economic field but in national defense, so at the very beginning oil embargo is the extreme measure taken by the third state country towards the rival nation. 石油最初被广泛使用的领域不是经济领域而是国防领域,因而石油禁运最初是第三国对交战国所采取的极端措施。
According to statistics, the evaluation method of the measure recurrence fluctuation based on the extreme difference is advanced through constructing the appropriate measure and statistic value, and the windage of evaluation value presented by Montgomery is rectified at the same time. 3. 以统计学为基础,通过构造合适的测量与统计量,提出了基于极差的量具再现性波动的合理估计方法,纠正了Montgomery等人给出的估计量的偏差。
However, the current assessment of financial risk, especially the method of VaR, was lack of researching of under extreme conditions which may lead to the measure of risk spillover has been seriously underestimated. 然而,现有对金融风险的评估方法,特别是VaR方法缺乏对市场极端条件下金融机构或经济体之间可能存在的风险溢出效应的估量,可能会导致各金融市场风险水平被严重低估。
Protection of forest, grassland resources, not only to maintain soil and water resources and ecological environment, an important measure for mitigating global warming increase of extreme weather events, an important measure. 保护森林、草原资源不仅是保持水土资源和生态环境的重要措施,也是减缓全球变暖带来的极端气候事件增加的重要措施。
This paper we put the extreme value theory ( EVT) into the VaR model, and use the extreme value theory of the threshold model ( POT) to measure the foreign exchange margin trading of extreme risk. 本文把极值理论(EVT)引入VaR模型中,并使用极值理论的阈值模型(POT)来度量外汇保证金交易的极端风险。
Meanwhile, for atmospheric environmental disaster, such as severely haze which is harmful for human health and city extreme high temperature which caused by urban heat island, artificially inducing precipitation is the effective intervention measure in these critical situations as well. 同时,对于严重威胁人体健康的重度灰霾和城市热岛效应加剧导致的城市极端高温等大气环境灾害,人工增水作业也不失为危急情况下的有效应急干预措施。
This paper summarizes and analyzes the traditional operational risk measurement techniques: basic indicator approach, the loss distribution method, extreme value theory model is proposed based on Bayesian network model used to measure the benefits of operational risk insurance. 本文在总结和分析了传统的操作风险度量技术:基础指标法、损失分布法、极值理论模型的基础上,提出运用贝叶斯网络模型来度量保险公司操作风险的优点。
This is one of the major advantages of extreme value theory, but the VaR values based on the extreme value theory model are relatively conservative, this may make some financial institutions have no incentive to use this model to measure risk. 这是极值理论的一大优点,但是用极值理论模型得到的VaR值可能相对保守,使得一些金融机构没有动力运用这一模型来度量风险。
There is a contradiction between the extreme complexity of target tracking and the low capacity of each sensor node. Distributed is an essential characteristic of WSN, which is also a powerful measure to solve this contradiction. 目标跟踪的极端复杂性与无线传感器网络节点能力相对不足形成矛盾,分布式是解决这对矛盾的有力武器。